Itchy, puffy eyes, runny noses and dry coughs – we’ve all fallen prey to allergies at some point in our lives. But what many of us don’t realise is that our mattress might be the cause of the majority of your allergic reactions.

The most common cause of allergy symptoms at home is the dust mite, a sneaky little critter that makes your mattress its home and feeds off flakes of dry skin that rub off during your sleep. To make things worse, it’s not the dust mite you’re allergic to – it’s their faeces. 

Warm and often humid, your bedding is the perfect environment for dust mites to breed, and even if you clean and change your bedding often, these microscopic spiders are almost certainly flourishing in your mattress and pillows. The average mattress is home to anywhere from 100 000 to 10 million dust mites, and 10% of a 2-year-old pillow’s weight can be made up of dust mites and their waste.

Dust mite allergies can range from mild to aggressive, with symptoms including a runny nose, congestion, postnasal drip, itchy skin, itchy or red eyes, coughing, a scratchy throat and more. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, especially upon waking up in the morning, dust mites are almost definitely the culprit. Luckily for allergy sufferers, there’s a one-shot solution for all your mattress-related allergic reactions –Protect-A-Bed mattress and pillow protectors. 

Made with Miracle Membrane® technology, this serves as a 100% waterproof yet 100% breathable impenetrable barrier between you and your mattress, cutting dust mites off from their food supply and causing them to die off. This should be paired with a pillow protector for total coverage and protection.

As an added bonus, our range of protectors will guard against spills, stains and bodily moisture, protecting your mattress warranty while ensuring a safe, comfortable and hygienic sleeping space.

Protect yourself and your family from allergies, sniffles and coughs with Protect-A-Bed mattress and pillow protectors today.